Value Blueprint identifies three key attributes to move towards innovation.

Alexandria, VA – March 22, 2023 – The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI), a non-profit research organization committed to advancing the science, practice, and use of health technology assessment (HTA) in healthcare, released their Value Blueprint: Prioritized Attributes to Better Define and Measure Innovation in Health Technology. The Value Blueprint is a synopsis of an expert roundtable that is part of IVI’s Valuing Innovation Project (VIP), a multi-phased research initiative with cross-stakeholder buy-in, launched to identify creative solutions with the goal of improving existing practice and methods in HTA.

“IVI’s Methods Summit and expert roundtable brought together stakeholders for discussions from multiple perspectives, allowing us to better define what we mean by ‘innovation’ in the context of health technology assessment,” said Rick Chapman, IVI’s chief science officer.

The expert roundtable consisted of eleven patient, clinician, health system, manufacturer, employer, payer, and researcher participants. After intensive dialogue, the participants identified the top attributes that informed the themes for phase three of the initiative, a call for papers.

The call for papers aims to advance dialogue, identify gaps in current approaches to HTA, and build consensus on practical methods to better measure and reward innovation, specifically:

  • Scientific Spillover. When a disease and its management impact not only the person diagnosed with the disease condition, but also family members why may or may not directly provide care.
  • Real-Option Value. When an existing treatment option prolongs survival or reduces disease severity of patients, which might subsequently enable them to benefit from future innovations that they are concurrently not eligible for.
  • Impacts on Broader Society. Impacts of innovation on broader society beyond the healthcare sector include education, employment, and overall GDP.

Richard Xie, IVI’s director of research, hopes that the papers will ultimately provide approaches to address existing gaps in how HTA currently measures innovation when evaluating new treatments. “Our goal is that the call for papers will identify actionable strategies to advance research in these three identified attributes and continue to improve the practice and methods to better account for innovations in HTA,” said Richard.

The framework, and the action recommendations emerging from this work, uphold IVI’s core principles: patient-centricity, transparency, and equity.

Link to Report: Value Blueprint: Prioritized Attributes to Better Define and Measure Innovation in Health Technology


About IVI
The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit research organization dedicated to advancing the science and improving the practice of health technology assessment through development of novel methods and the creation and application of enhanced health technology assessment models to support local decision-making needs in healthcare.

Contact: Smita Sanwardeker
Phone: 267.909.7661